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Vatterland AG



Trees planted in Switzerland


Tons of CO2 will be absorbed in average

Vatter Business Center partners with Almighty Tree to preserve, protect and enhance the value of forests in Switzerland. Vatter plants trees in Switzerland to diversify the forests with species adapted to climate change.

Vatter really care about their footprint and would like to do something good for our nature. Thus, it make sense for them, as part of their green projects, to plant young trees in the Swiss forests for sustainable wood management, greater biodiversity and carbon sink creation. The trees were planted this fall 2020 in the Emmental region and in a Fribourger Alpine pasture
tree planting projects

Beautiful Emmental ​

Altitude: 1100m​

Type of trees planted: Norway maple, mountain elm, Winter linden, red oak, larch, Douglas fir and coastal fir.

​Location: Berner Emmental.

It is is a forest-rich region, where forest management is strategic with young and old trees stand side by side. The trees are not felled in groups but individually. When removing large individual trees light penetrates to the forest floor which enables the growth of smaller trees. However, the forest consists mainly of spruce, silver fir and beech, which are suffering from climate change. In this project spruce trees have been cut because bark beetle spread quickly. 

La Brunisholszena​

Altitude: 1500m​

Type of trees planted: Mountain Maple, Larch, Silver Fir and Spruce tree

​Location: Mountain forest.

It is a habitat for flora and fauna, a protection against avalanches, rock falls or erosion and it is a "green lung".

After cutting trees affected by the bark beetle, we replanted new species in a mountain pasture where cows appreciate the shade provided by trees and protection during storms, the trees help to form a natural barrier. Thus, cows can take refuge in the forest without injuring themselves or breaking artificial barriers. 

Trees planted by Vatter Business Center


Linden (Tilia cordata) is a tree of temperate Europe, it can live up to 500 years and measure 35 meters, its fragrant flowers give a sudorific and calming infusion. This tree provides white wood, easy to work. These trees are fast-growing trees, with branches fairly widely spread. Protective tree, symbol of friendship, fidelity and love with its flowers to the subtle perfume and the softening virtues. Celtic astrology sees the linden tree as the emblem of softness and flexibility

Norway Maple (Quercus petraea) belongs to the family of sapindacées. Its leaves are large, palmate and flat, toothed, resembling those of the plane tree, they are divided into 5 very pointed lobes. They are bright yellow in spring and then acid green afterwards. They redden in autumn, which makes our landscapes beautiful. The maple plane symbolizes independence, freedom, imagination and a sense of observation.

The Mountain Elm (Ulmus montana) belongs to the Ulmaceae family. This tree thrives in cool and humid regions. It is majestic with a dense crown and slightly drooping lower branches. The bark remains smooth for a long time, but is later covered with shallow grooves. The large leaf is asymmetrical, very rough and dark green, its flowers are purple-brown. When autumn comes, the foliage turns brownish yellow. 

For a long time, it was used as a tree of alignment in urban areas because it tolerates air pollution well. Its buds are often used in phytotherapy for their excellent virtues. 

The spirit of the elm is the key to empathy and compassion. The elm is a shade tree they say it has mystical properties and it protects against lightning.

Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is a giant coniferous tree of the Pinaceae family that grows rapidly up to 100 m and can reach very large dimensions, and its wood has very good technical qualities. Introduced first as an ornamental tree, this species also and above all offers a heavy and durable wood, with a use in construction and joinery, especially for transformation into plywood. The Douglas, which symbolizes resistance and durability. It is thus the ideal gift for a union that will stand the test of time.


Red Oak 

The red oak is a deciduous tree grows straight and tall up to 30 m, with a trunk of up to 50–100 cm diameter. The tree is native to eastern North America. It grows with other hardwoods such as ash, lime and other oak species. It requires deep soils. It was introduced in Europe as early as 1724.

The oak tree symbolizes strength and power but also generosity. It has been part of our lives since the dawn of time and has naturally come to mean longevity

The Vancouver Fir (Abies grandis) is a tree species of the Pinaceae family. It is a fir native to North America. This tree can reach 50 to 55 m in Switzerland, and up to 80 m in its original territory. The Vancouver fir likes cool, deep soils and adapts to drier, shallower soils. It can be found at altitudes of up to 1600-1800 metres.

The fir tree, symbol of renewal

With its evergreen foliage, the conifer marks the triumph of the sun over winter. Its branches protected the house from lightning and the cattle from diseases.


Larch (Larix decidua)Originally from the Alps and flourishes on the heights. It likes to have its feet in the cool and its head in the sun. 

Larch differs from other conifers by its very fine needles arranged in tufts. It is, of all the coniferous species, the one that surprises the most by its changes. In spring, the delicate green needles appear to turn golden-yellow in autumn and fall in November.

In its ecosystem, the larch plays a very important role: it grows on poor soils which it helps to enrich. When its thorns fall, they cover the ground with a thick carpet of dead needles that keeps it cool and stores rainwater. 

Larch wood is the heaviest and hardest local softwood after yew. Durable and weather resistant, it is often used as construction wood for frames and walls, but also for stairs, balustrades, door and window frames, floors and furniture.

Like all conifers, larch is a symbol of immortality. It is the only conifer to lose its needles in autumn, considered a symbol of a new beginning.

Silver Fir is a conifer of the Pinaceae family. It is the tallest European tree, its trunk can also reach 2 meters in diameter. It can be distinguished from other firs and spruces by its flat needles with rounded tips and silvery underside, from which it takes its name. 

It has a conical and pointed top, then ovoid and finally spread out. Its bark is smooth, silvery grey, has small pockets of resin, then cracks with age. Its male flowers, are small bright yellow conical kittens, while its female flowers, which will give cones, are green. Its cones are erect and at maturity, they form winged seeds that are released while scales detach one by one.

The silver fir grows in mountainous areas.

This species prefers shady situations, fears drought, hence its location on north-facing slopes, especially in southern regions.

The wood of the white fir is white, hence its name, slightly pinkish and highly appreciated for making frames and carpentry products.

The fir tree symbolizes a bridge between heaven and earth. It expresses the fluidity of the link that connects the top and the bottom, the spiritual and the material, the spirit and the matter.

Spruce is found in cooler, mountainous regions. It is a species of softwood tree in the Pinaceae family. There are about 50 species. It resembles the fir, but its trunk is reddish red and its color is darker than that of the fir. And, difference in size, its cones are hanging. At maturity, their scales spread apart and release seeds. The needles of this conifer are rounder and more prickly than those of the fir. They reveal a tiny petiole that remains on the branch after they fall.

The spruce, embodies birth, the impulse of life, fertility. The spruce, is a fir tree, it also symbolizes eternity.

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