RWB Groupe SA
Plantation of trees in 6 Swiss cantons to thank its customers
almighty tree & RWB Groupe sa
In 2020, to reinforce its commitment to sustainability, RWB is committed to nature and biodiversity. In partnership with Almighty Tree, they are planting young trees in Swiss forests. These trees will contribute to biodiversity, avalanche protection and to diversify the Swiss forests with species adapted to global warming in order to create the forests of the future.
6 Projects
6 projects have been carefully selected within the 6 regions of activities. Each project plays a unique role in enriching biodiversity, replacing weak and dry trees in order to bring new tree species into its region. More than 12 different tree species have been planted in Jura, Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Bernese Jura, Vaud and Valais.
canton of jura
This project aimed to reforest part of the forests around the city of Boncourt. These forests suffer from repetitive dryness of the past years. Indeed, the Beech trees are becoming dry and need to be cut for protective reasons. Gilbert Goffinet, the forester of Boncourt, selected a wide range of tree species, which are likely to accompany climate change because they are more resistant and require less water, will bring diversity and hope for healthy forests in the future.
Tree species
Sessile Oak (Quercus petraea) can reach up to 45 m high for a trunk diameter of 2 meters. It is can live from 500 to 1 000 years. Its bark has vertical ridges, the grooves are not too deep but are continuous, which allows the rainwater to be brought to the ground
The oak tree symbolizes strength and power but also generosity. It has been part of our lives since the dawn of time and has naturally come to mean longevity.
Linden (Tilia cordata) is a tree of temperate Europe, it can live up to 500 years and measure 35 meters, its fragrant flowers give a sudorific and calming infusion. This tree provides white wood, easy to work. These trees are fast-growing trees, with branches fairly widely spread.
Protective tree, symbol of friendship, fidelity and love with its flowers to the subtle perfume and the softening virtues.
Celtic astrology sees the linden tree as the emblem of softness and flexibility.
Alisier Torminal (Sorbus torminalis) belongs to the Rosaceae family. This tree is native to Europe, North Africa and Asia Minor. Its trunk is often straight, with bark that is first smooth and gray, then scaly and reddish. It can reach 25 meters and live up to 100 years. It is a species that adapts easily to different soils.
The berries produced by the torminal tree were used to make brandy and as a medicinal remedy. It is the tree of bards, artists, poetry and music.
Rowan tree (Sorbus aucuparia L.) is a small tree that can reach 15 meters high. It lives mainly on the edge of spruce forests. The mountain ash tree is related to the cormier tree. Its leaves are composed of 17 or 15 double-toothed lanceolate leaflets connected to the petiole. The rowan tree produces small red spherical fruits that are eaten by the birds. The rowan is a tree of life or giving life, also synonymous with the symbol of speed. The berries of the rowan provided the food of gods, it is magic for the Nordic, Celtic and Germanic people.
Walnut tree (Juglans regiaL.) is a fairly common tree, native to Eurasia, cultivated for its wood sought after in woodwork and its fruit, the nuts, rich in oil. Walnuts are trees that can grow to a height of 20 to 25 m, if they grow alone, whereas they can reach 30 m in a stand. Growth in height ends after 60 to 80 years. They are deciduous trees, in full light, which can reach 150 to 160 years of age. The walnut tree symbolizes intelligence thanks to the shape of its kernels which resemble a human brain. It is also the symbol of abundance.
canton of fribourg
This project aimed to enrich a protective forest in the Gruyère region. The spruce trees had to be cut down because the bark beetle spread quickly, which left hole in several areas. Moreover, the natural rejuvenating is mainly Beech trees, which are not resisting well against the actual warmer and dryer environment. Thus, with the help of the forester, Eric Meier, RWB planted Norway Maples in order to bring a additional tree specie with great potential to stand for a long time, and add value to its ecosystem.
Tree specie
Norway Maple (Quercus petraea) belongs to the family of sapindacées. Its leaves are large, palmate and flat, toothed, resembling those of the plane tree, they are divided into 5 very pointed lobes. They are bright yellow in spring and then acid green afterwards. They redden in autumn, which makes our landscapes beautiful. The maple plane symbolizes independence, freedom, imagination and a sense of observation.
canton of Vaud
This plantation is a big oak grove around larch and white firs in a wood around Yverdon-Les-Bains. In this project, another oak plantation made a few years ago has been covered by willow trees, which naturally grew in this area. This time, the oak saplings are well protected against wild animal and the maintenance will be carefully follow to help the young oaks become massive and contribute to diversify this beautiful forest. According to Philippe Perey, forester in Yverdon, the Sessile Oak is tree promising species in a context of global warming.
Tree species
Sessile Oak (Quercus petraea) can reach up to 45 m high for a trunk diameter of 2 meters. It is can live from 500 to 1 000 years. Its bark has vertical ridges, the grooves are not too deep but are continuous, which allows the rainwater to be brought to the ground
The oak tree symbolizes strength and power but also generosity. It has been part of our lives since the dawn of time and has naturally come to mean longevity.
canton of bern
This project is located in the heart of the Bernese Jura, where dryness has impacted spruce trees. The spruce trees had to be cut down as the bark beetle spread quickly. In order to create a sustainable forest and replace the spruces, Jean-Marc Friedli from Valforêt in Tramelan, planted Linden, Douglas. In addition, we added European wild pear trees to bring a biodiversity perspective.
Tree species
Linden (Tilia cordata) is a tree of temperate Europe, it can live up to 500 years and measure 35 meters, its fragrant flowers give a sudorific and calming infusion. This tree provides white wood, easy to work. These trees are fast-growing trees, with branches fairly widely spread. Protective tree, symbol of friendship, fidelity and love with its flowers to the subtle perfume and the softening virtues. Celtic astrology sees the linden tree as the emblem of softness and flexibility.
Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is a giant coniferous tree of the Pinaceae family that grows rapidly up to 100 m and can reach very large dimensions, and its wood has very good technical qualities. Introduced first as an ornamental tree, this species also and above all offers a heavy and durable wood, with a use in construction and joinery, especially for transformation into plywood. The Douglas, which symbolizes resistance and durability. It is thus the ideal gift for a union that will stand the test of time.
European wild pear (Pyrus pyraster ) is a species of pear tree of the Rosaceae family, found in hedges and woods throughout Europe, except Northern Europe. Unlike the cultivated common pear, its branches may bear a terminal thorn and its fruits are small (2-3 cm) and bitter-tasting. Tree of light not very competitive, it shows a rather fast growth. In stand reach 20 m and live 200 years.
canton of Neuchâtel
This plantation is located in La Grande Béroche at 1000 m of altitude. In this area, trees like Silver firs and beech are suffering form dryness. On top of that, the bark beetle spread out. After cutting the dry trees, Léo Chapuisod, forester form the municipality, decided to plant magnificent American red oaks along with Hornbeams to support their grow. The red oak is not native in Switzerland but has proven to be well-adapted to climate change. It should be resistant and participate in creating healthy forest in 30 - 50 years.
Tree species
Red Oak (Quercus rubra) is a deciduous tree grows straight and tall up to 30 m, with a trunk of up to 50–100 cm diameter. The tree is native to eastern North America. It grows with other hardwoods such as ash, lime and other oak species. It requires deep soils. It was introduced in Europe as early as 1724.
The oak tree symbolizes strength and power but also generosity. It has been part of our lives since the dawn of time and has naturally come to mean longevity.
canton of Valais
This planting project aim to create a forest for protection against avalanche and rock fall around the village of Morgins. With the forester, Hilaire Dubosson, the selection of various trees such as Sycamore maple, Silver firs and Larchs will bring diversity with species adapted to the conditions at 1700m. First, artificial wood structure has been built to ensure protection until the trees reach their adult size and take over the control for protection.
Tree species
Sycamore Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) is a tree that tolerates low temperatures, high altitude and air pollution well. It adapts easily to different ecosystems but naturally seeks rich and humid soils. The sycamore tree is generous in its fruits and as such, it symbolizes fertility, independence and transformation. It is the joy of carpenters, who use its smooth, white, soft and easy to work with wood.
Larch (Larix decidua) is originally from the Alps and flourishes on the heights. It likes to have its feet in the cool and its head in the sun. Larch differs from other conifers by its very fine needles arranged in tufts. It is, of all the coniferous species, the one that surprises the most by its changes. In spring, the delicate green needles appear to turn golden-yellow in autumn and fall in November. Like all conifers, the larch is a symbol of immortality. It is the only conifer to lose its needles in autumn, considered as a symbol of a new beginning.
Silver fir (Abies alba) is a conifer of the Pinaceae family. It is the tallest European tree (60 m), its trunk can also reach 2 meters in diameter. It can be distinguished from other firs and spruces by its flat needles with rounded tips and silvery underside, from which it takes its name. The silver fir grows in mountainous areas. The wood of the white fir is white and highly appreciated for making frames and carpentry products. The fir tree symbolizes a bridge between heaven and earth. It expresses the fluidity of the link that connects the upper and the lower, the spiritual and the material, the spirit and the matter.